Chafee touts metric system in quest to become ‘liter’

Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln D. Chafee advocated for a change to the metric system during his campaign announcement Wednesday.
“Let’s be bold – let’s join the rest of the world and go metric,” Chafee said. “Believe me it is easy. It doesn’t take long to realize that 34 degrees is hot.”
An article in The Business Journals recently highlighted Chafee’s interest in going metric.
“Converting everything to the metric system might be hard for some people, but Chafee is experienced in conversions. He started out as a Republican senator from Rhode Island, then became an independent when he was governor, and now is a Democrat as he runs for president,” the article stated.
Chafee, according to the article, lived in Canada when it completed its process of switching to the metric system.
He and other metric advocates say the cost of converting to the metric system would be outweighed by benefits, especially in today’s global economy.

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