Charity call

Does your company currently
support any charities or nonprofit organizations?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 89%

&#8226 No &#8211 11%

If yes how so?

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&#8226 Allows employees to volunteer &#8211 68.6%

&#8226 Provides grants or sponsorships &#8211 60%

&#8226 Collects food or other items for donation &#8211 48.6%

&#8226 Mentors or tutors students &#8211 28.6%

&#8226 Not applicable &#8211 11%

Would you be willing to sacrifice office productivity for company-wide volunteer efforts held during business hours?

&#8226 Yes, they’re a positive way to promote
teamwork and boost morale &#8211 50%

&#8226 Maybe, but only for a day or two
each year &#8211 27.8%

&#8226 No, but I would support employees who
volunteer on their own time &#8211 22.2%

How often does your company receive financial requests from charities or nonprofit organizations?

&#8226 Often &#8211 77.8%

&#8226 Occasionally &#8211 19.4%

&#8226 Rarely or never &#8211 2.8%

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