Secrets to sales success

Here is a list of sales success characteristics.

They represent the elements of what will make a salesperson successful.

But here’s the secret – before you make judgments about others and how they compare to the list, first judge yourself. Measure yourself against the elements that make salespeople who they are, and successful at what they do. And for those of you who hire salespeople, this a checklist of the real things to look for in a potentially successful person.

If you want to succeed, you and whoever you hire better be somewhere between 8 and 10 (on a 1-10 scale) on every one of these characteristics.

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n Smart. Salespeople have to be smart enough to think on the spot and deal with every kind of situation as it happens.

n Self-starting. Great salespeople don’t need “motivation.” They have a built-in fire – that’s somewhere between a cup of Death Wish Coffee and a Red Bull. Nobody has to tell them what to do. They know what to do. And they do it. They make the first call of the day and the last call of the day.

n Great attitude. Great salespeople believe they will make every sale. Great salespeople take “no” as “not yet.” Great salespeople accept every lemon thrown at them by management, customers and accounting – and use those lemons to open up a lemonade stand.

n Excellent communication skills. Great salespeople are not “good” communicators. They’re great communicators. Their message is both compelling and transferable. Their passion and their belief system is as contagious as their enthusiasm. And they’re able to articulate in a way that gets customers to buy, more often than not.

n Physically and mentally fit. The statement speaks for itself and implies that you work out on a regular basis working your mind and your body. Exercising your mind and body before you get to work (push-ups and brain-ups) so that you feel good and that good feeling is projected every time you interact with a customer.

n Computer, tablet and smartphone literate. There’s no excuse for a lack of computer literacy other than stubbornness and laziness. The internet will rule the economic world for at least the next decade. And those who ignore this fact will find themselves completely unemployable after they get fired from their present job.

n Dedicated to succeeding. With great salespeople, it’s not just a matter of goals. It’s a matter of focus on outcome and achievement. Multiple achievements lead to success and a self-confidence that keeps the momentum going from sale to sale.

n Past history of success. Every time a great salesperson makes a sale, it remains in his or her self-confidence memory bank and can be called upon for positive energy in any situation.

n Looking for a career, not a job. If a salesperson has a base salary and a commission, the job person wants a raise in their base pay. The career person wants a raise in their commission.

n More interested in personal success and personal development than money. Salespeople who work for money rarely achieve it. Great salespeople work to be their best and dedicate themselves to that process daily. And as a result, earn tons.

n A constant student who is willing to learn and adapt. Great salespeople know there is always more to learn. They dedicate themselves to being better, being the best.

n Taking joy in serving others. This is the master quality. One of the best salespeople I’ve ever known is John Ruhlin. He created and is the master of Giftology, and loves to serve.

n A great social presence and reputation. Easier stated: “google-able” by you and any customer they might visit. They know social media, have a social understanding and participate daily in learning, posting and reputation building.

Notice one characteristic missing? Sales skills. I’d rather have attitude and brains than selling skills any day. I can teach someone to sell. I can’t teach them to be smart or happy. •

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of 12 best-selling books, including “The Sales Bible.” He can be reached at

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