Security precautions in the workplace

At your office, which security measures are in place?

&#8226 Alarm system &#8211 84.4%

&#8226 Restricted-access areas &#8211 46.9%

&#8226 Surveillance cameras &#8211 46.9%

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&#8226 Security personnel &#8211 25%

&#8226 Identification badges &#8211 21.9%

How carefully do you keep track of keys to the office?

&#8226 Very carefully, keys are only issued to certain employees and are always collected during exit interviews &#8211 55.9%

&#8226 Carefully, we try to make sure they are returned as employees depart &#8211 41.2%

&#8226 Somewhat carefully, there are probably a few unauthorized copies floating around &#8211 2.9%

Besides collecting resumes and holding interviews, what additional steps do you take before bringing new employees on board?

&#8226 Check references &#8211 97.1%

&#8226 Have them fill out an application &#8211 76.5%

&#8226 Call former employers &#8211 76.5%

&#8226 Perform a background check &#8211 47.1%

&#8226 Administer a drug test &#8211 14.7%

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