Spending time and money on social media

On which social media sites does your company have a presence?

&#8226 LinkedIn &#8211 77.8%

&#8226 Facebook &#8211 77.8%

&#8226 YouTube &#8211 61.1%

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&#8226 Twitter &#8211 44.4%

&#8226 Google+ &#8211 22.2%

Do you have a position at your company specifically for managing your company’s social network presence?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 44.4%

&#8226 No &#8211 55.6%

In the next six months, do you plan on increasing the amount of marketing dollars allocated for advertising through social media channels?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 38.9%

&#8226 No &#8211 44.4%

&#8226 Undecided &#8211 16.7%

Do you believe a social media presence is beneficial to your company?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 61.1%

&#8226 Somewhat &#8211 33.3%

&#8226 No &#8211 5.6%

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