Unpaid internships

Does your company offer unpaid internships?

&#8226 Yes, but rarely &#8211 46.2%

&#8226 Yes, occasionally &#8211 23.1%

&#8226 Yes, regularly &#8211 15.4%

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&#8226 No &#8211 15.4%

Are you familiar with the six criteria, outlined by the U.S. Department of Labor, which must be met in order to offer internships without compensation?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 69.2%

&#8226 No &#8211 30.8%

In your industry, are internships generally necessary to gain the experience required for a full-time position?

&#8226 Yes &#8211 7.7%

&#8226 No &#8211 69.2%

&#8226 Sometimes &#8211 23.1%

Do you believe unpaid internships are beneficial to the intern, exploitative of the intern, or both?

&#8226 Beneficial to intern &#8211 53.8%

&#8226 Exploitative of intern &#8211 0%

&#8226 Both &#8211 46.2%

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