5-year 6-10 Connector project to begin initial construction by end of June

INITIAL CONSTRUCTION on the 6-10 Connector project in Providence will start later this month, beginning with the removal of contaminated soils and construction of temporary roadways, and is expected to continue over the next five years. / COURTESY CITY OF PROVIDENCE

PROVIDENCE – Initial construction will begin this month on the massive 6-10 Connector project, which is expected to continue over the next five years.

An update on the first items to be tackled – removal of contaminated soils and construction of temporary roadways – will be discussed at a public update on the project, to be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Asa Messer Elementary School, 1655 Westminster St., in Providence.

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The contaminated soils will need to be excavated because the project will involve the lowering of Route 10 southbound. According to an environmental fact sheet prepared by the R.I. Department of Transportation, the soil in the area is typical of what would be found in an industrial area active for more than 100 years and also includes materials that were trucked in when the highway was first constructed in the 1950s.

Soil sampling results found traces of gasoline, motor oil, asphalt pavement and coal in numerous locations, including lead at concentrations that exceed state exposure criteria.

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In isolated areas, the state reported soil had arsenic and beryllium, also at concentrations above the state “direct exposure criteria.” Both are hazardous materials.

The soil excavated during construction will be separated into clean material, dirty material to be disposed off-site and material that is appropriate for reuse under the new highway, according to the RIDOT statement.

The soil piles will be stored in temporary stockpiles.

The timeline for the project has the soil work occurring starting in the fall, while this summer, construction will begin on the temporary construction roadways.

Mary MacDonald is a staff writer for the PBN. Contact her at macdonald@pbn.com.

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