$75K grant from BCBSRI goes to social services nonprofit

PROVIDENCE – Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island has awarded Local Initiatives Support Corp. Rhode Island, a Providence-based social services nonprofit, a $75,000 grant. 

The money will go to LISC’s Neighborhood Development Fund, which helps community development corporations create affordable housing while at the same time work toward revitalization.

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BCBSRI’s grant is to be used to help community development groups hire specialized staff, implement financial stability strategies and adopt new eviction prevention measures. 

Creating access to proper housing is at the root of healthy communities, said Jeanne Cola, LISC’s executive director. 

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“The link between safe, affordable housing and healthcare is becoming very clear and one of the most important ways of addressing health equity,” Cola said.  “Blue Cross is a valued partner and a strong advocate in the mission to create housing security for Rhode Islanders.”

BCBSRI has shifted its giving to include housing-related organizations after completing a statewide survey last year that pinpointed housing as a top concern for many Rhode Islanders. 

“We are honored to partner with LISC Rhode Island in their ongoing and important commitment to building community through investments that improve and increase housing stock, clean up vacant lots, and give dilapidated buildings new purpose,” said Carolyn Belisle, BCBSRI’s managing director of community relations. “Our support of the Neighborhood Development Fund aims to leverage LISC Rhode Island’s expertise to provide the necessary assistance to ensure that investments lead to projects that are well structured, appropriately financed, built on time and on budget.”