8/8 feels great! RI’s very own White Horse Vapor (and vape enthusiasts nationwide) rejoice as the FDA makes critical changes to its plan for tobacco and nicotine regulation..

8/8 feels great! RI’s very own White Horse Vapor (and vape enthusiasts nationwide) rejoice as the FDA makes critical changes to its plan for tobacco and nicotine regulation..

On July 28th, the FDA announced their new approach to nicotine regulation. A plan that originally would have crippled burgeoning vapor businesses has now been amended to delay measures including unnecessarily punitive taxation, as well as restrictions on alternative nicotine sources (such as vapor products). FDA Commissioner Scott Gotlieb, M.D. , remarked that a world “where adults who still need or want nicotine could get it from alternative and less harmful sources, needs to be the cornerstone of our efforts” as well as that “nicotine lives at the core of both the problem and the solution to the question of addiction.”

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These extended timelines for submitting applications for newly regulated nicotine products means that developing vapor companies, such as Rhode Island’s own White Horse Vapor Company, will be able to continue their trajectory of expansion and development both within the state and nationwide. White Horse Vapor originated in downtown Providence and has grown in to four locations (and counting) across the state, making it the vapor company with the largest presence in Rhode Island. From its humble beginnings in Providence, to opening up several franchises spanning the country, White Horse Vapor is showcasing some of the best in Rhode Island entrepreneurship and products. This change in approach from the FDA will allow us to continue to do so. With this delay, White Horse Vapor now has the freedom to re-position itself in a way that is most advantageous to both the company and public health.

In making these changes the FDA is acknowledging that nicotine is more harmful when delivered through combustion and smoke particles than it is through other methods. They are recognizing harm to the user from nicotine consumption is more of a grey area and a spectrum than a stark contrast.

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“The vision has always been there, and thanks to this historic decision we now have the confidence to move forward”, concluded a relieved Dino Baccari (owner and founder of White Horse Vapor).


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