9 major R.I. employers commit to Raimondo’s Supply RI initiative

NINE MAJOR Rhode Island employers were announced as founding participants in the new Supply RI initiative that aims to connect Rhode Island companies with Rhode Island suppliers, according to Gov. Gina M. Raimondo. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY
NINE MAJOR Rhode Island employers were announced as founding participants in the new Supply RI initiative that aims to connect Rhode Island companies with Rhode Island suppliers, according to Gov. Gina M. Raimondo. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

PROVIDENCE – Gov. Gina M. Raimondo announced that nine Rhode Island’s largest employers have pledged to participate in the Supply RI initiative, which will both create a database of local suppliers and provide support services for employers and suppliers, including networking events and information sessions.

The founding participants of the program are Amica Mutual Insurance Co., Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, Brown University, Delta Dental of Rhode Island, Gilbane Building Co., Infosys Ltd., Lifespan Corp., the Rhode Island School of Design and Roger Williams University.

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“This new initiative will introduce larger companies and institutions to smaller suppliers; and, through the strengthening of the local supply chain, it will assist in opening up opportunities for Rhode Island businesses and creating jobs for Rhode Islanders,” said R.I. Commerce Secretary Stefan Pryor in a statement.

Raimondo’s proposed fiscal 2019 budget included $475,000 for the initiative.

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R.I. Commerce Corp. spokesman Matt Sheaff said that no timeline is set for the launch of the database but that events for the initiative will begin in the next few months. Sheaff also said that the database’s launch will be augmented by suppliers that participating institutions already do business with, but noted that interested suppliers and participants should sign up for the Supply RI mailing list to keep abreast of the initiative’s updates.

Sheaff also said that the initiative is not geared toward any specific sector, saying that the goal is to boost all local businesses. Technical assistance will be provided to suppliers to help with their pitches to procurement specialists.

“Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. When our biggest employers support local businesses, they know they’re getting a quality product and that their spending is going right back into our local economy,” said Raimondo in a statement. “Supply RI will strengthen every business – big and small – that participates. I’m grateful to the employers that have already made a commitment to participate and will work with business and civic leaders across the state to increase participation.”

Chris Bergenheim is the PBN web editor.

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