A healing touch? Lifespan’s new CEO aims to cure what ails R.I.’s largest hospital group

TALKING MODE: Lifespan Corp. CEO and President John Fernandez says the hospital group is in negotiations with the city of Providence over its payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement, but he’s unwilling to detail the progress of the talks in the press. 
TALKING MODE: Lifespan Corp. CEO and President John Fernandez says the hospital group is in negotiations with the city of Providence over its payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement, but he’s unwilling to detail the progress of the talks in the press. 

It’s been almost a year since John Fernandez was named CEO and president of Lifespan Corp., so he’s had plenty of time to develop a clear vision for the future of the state’s largest hospital group, which has struggled ­financially in recent years. Among his priorities: boosting Lifespan’s research capabilities, job development, providing patients with

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