Adapt to disruptors – or perish? New players are disrupting a host of traditional services. While bad for some R.I. entrepreneurs, others cash in

UPENDED MARKET: Ali Sanfilippo, a real estate paralegal at Sayer, Regan & Thayer in Newport, lives in New Bedford with her boyfriend. The couple is looking to move to Rhode Island but is having trouble finding apartments for rent. That’s partly due to an upending of the rental market that has seen investors and homeowners transform former year-round rentals into short-term units for services such as Airbnb.
UPENDED MARKET: Ali Sanfilippo, a real estate paralegal at Sayer, Regan & Thayer in Newport, lives in New Bedford with her boyfriend. The couple is looking to move to Rhode Island but is having trouble finding apartments for rent. That’s partly due to an upending of the rental market that has seen investors and homeowners transform former year-round rentals into short-term units for services such as Airbnb.

Where have all the apartments gone? On Aquidneck Island, and particularly Newport, the listing of an affordable, livable, two-bedroom home now draws a frenzy of interest. Ali Sanfilippo learned this over the past six months, as she sought in vain to find a new home for her and her boyfriend, their cat and a 20-pound

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