American Society of Landscape Architects R.I. chapter announces 2016-17 Design Awards

ADAM ANDERSON won a special recognition award for his 10,000 Suns project, above, an installation of sunflowers on two undeveloped parcels in the Interstate 195 Redevelopment District. The award was announced during the 2016-17 Design Awards of the Rhode Island chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. / PBN PHOTO/NICOLE DOTZENROD
ADAM ANDERSON won a special recognition award for his 10,000 Suns project, above, an installation of sunflowers on two undeveloped parcels in the Interstate 195 Redevelopment District. The award was announced during the 2016-17 Design Awards of the Rhode Island chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. / PBN PHOTO/NICOLE DOTZENROD

PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects recently announced its 2016-17 Design Awards, at a ceremony in Pawtucket.

Two merit awards, one honor award and two special recognition awards were presented, as well as a student award.

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L + A Landscape Architecture, of Newport, received a Merit Award in communications for The Driverless City Project.

Beta Group Inc., of Lincoln, received a Merit Award for Bushnell Park North, a project for Hartford, Conn., in the category of large-scale built design.

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Katherine Field & Associates Inc., of Newport, received an Honor Award for Verbena, in the small-scale built design category.

Rebecca Nolan, a graduate student at Harvard Graduate School of Design, received the Student Award for “Under the Surface: Hidden Dimensions of Drainage Landscapes.”

Two special recognition awards were bestowed, to Adam Anderson, of Design Under Sky, for his 10,000 Suns project, and to Nathan Socha, a landscape architect at Beta Group Inc., for five years of dedication to the Rhode Island chapter of the landscape architecture organization.

Mary MacDonald is a staff writer for the PBN. Contact her at

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