Amgen works with others to develop a strong future

HUDDLE UP: Amgen Inc. Operational Excellence Team Leader Juan DeJesus, center, collaborates with Quality Assurance staffers, from left, Sherry Flaherty, Lorraine Lopez and Uryl Grandoit to design the next iteration of the Quality Assurance Team’s Work Center Team visual management boards.
HUDDLE UP: Amgen Inc. Operational Excellence Team Leader Juan DeJesus, center, collaborates with Quality Assurance staffers, from left, Sherry Flaherty, Lorraine Lopez and Uryl Grandoit to design the next iteration of the Quality Assurance Team’s Work Center Team visual management boards.

PBN MANUFACTURING AWARDS 2020 | Collaboration in Manufacturing: Amgen Inc. COLLABORATION IS ONE aspect of Amgen Inc.’s corporate strategy. The biotechnology company forges partnerships throughout Rhode Island, including with government, academia, suppliers and other businesses. “Everything in Rhode Island is so close and so well-connected, it’s different from anywhere else in the United States,” Rhode

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