April traffic falls at T.F. Green from 2018, still higher than previous years

TRAFFIC AT T.F. Green Airport totaled 337,256 passengers in April, a 14.2% decline year over year. Despite the drop, figures for April were higher than April 2015, 2016 and 2017 traffic. / COURTESY R.I. AIRPORT CORP.
TRAFFIC AT T.F. Green Airport totaled 337,256 passengers in April, a 14.2% decline year over year. Despite the drop, figures for April were higher than April 2015, 2016 and 2017 traffic. / COURTESY R.I. AIRPORT CORP.

WARWICK – The number of enplaned and deplaned passengers at T.F. Green Airport totaled 337,256 in April, a 14.2% decline year over year, according to data from the R.I. Airport Corp.

The largest nominal decline in passengers at T.F. Green of all carriers was at Southwest Airlines, with 34,719 fewer passengers getting on and off planes year over year.

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A decline in passengers at the airport’s discount airlines, Allegiant Air, Frontier Airlines and Norwegian Air Shuttle, contributed to the decline in traffic at the airport year over year, dropping 4,725 passengers, 19,391 passengers and 10,210 passengers year over year, respectively.

Despite the year-over-year decline in April, traffic numbers were still ahead of April figures for 2015, 2016 and 2017, in line with passenger traffic trends for all of calendar 2019 at T.F. Green.

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MN Airlines LLC, doing business as Sun Country Airlines, in its first month of traffic figures, recorded 4,222 passengers in April.

Excluding Sun County, only two carriers had passenger increases year over year, Delta Airlines and JetBlue Airways.

The amount of cargo enplaned and deplaned in April totaled 1.9 million pounds, a 68.2% decline year over year, attributable to the relocation of a logistics operation related to Amazon.com Inc. to Bradley International Airport in Hartford, Conn.

Year to date through April, total passengers enplaned and deplaned at T.F. Green totaled 1.2 million, an 8.7% decline year over year.

Chris Bergenheim is the PBN web editor. You may reach him at Bergenheim@PBN.com.

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