Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Home Authors Posts by Stanley H. Davis

Stanley H. Davis


The cost of layoffs: Looking beyond pink slips

When economic adversity collides with a business plan, the response to the cost issues must be prompt – and it must be right. When...

An executive search is an art not a science

When we try to define job candidates in predetermined terms, we’re forgetting that every one of them is unique. In the course of each executive...

Follow these tips to keep top talent

The market for great talent has become very tight. Companies in a hiring mode are solidly in the hunt. They need more talent to...

Leadership: The key to succession planning and creating value

Do you have a solid plan to transition your business? It’s a question that most business owners and senior executives have heard at some point...

Empowered employees pay off in, out of work

Arriving to Boston via train for an evening meeting earlier this fall, sitting just in front of me a self-described business owner was quizzing...

Leaders can make the extraordinary seem ordinary

Maybe we make leadership too complex a concept. Leaders are, at their core, ordinary people who have to do extraordinary things. Whether for...

Tight times demand smart pay choices

Among the job elements listed by employees as key to their satisfaction and motivation, compensation rarely makes the top of the list. But among...

Decisive leadership counteracts tough times

Every recent survey and analysis points to the approach of a tougher economy. The Financial Times’ John Gapper recently looked into the face of...

Put the right player in and your team wins

We recently interviewed 20 corporate leaders who acknowledged that their next failed hire won’t be their first. As C-level executives, corporate recruiters and search...
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