Babineau: ‘Health care is local’

The merger Dr. Timothy J. Babineau expected 11 years ago didn’t happen. Can Lifespan’s CEO find the health system’s missing pieces?

BIGGER IMPACT: Dr. Timothy J. Babineau, a former cancer surgeon, said he used to care for patients one at a time, but now as president and CEO of Lifespan, “I take care of them 10,000 at a time.”
BIGGER IMPACT: Dr. Timothy J. Babineau, a former cancer surgeon, said he used to care for patients one at a time, but now as president and CEO of Lifespan, “I take care of them 10,000 at a time.”

Dr. Timothy J. Babineau misses seeing patients, but as Lifespan Corp.’s president and CEO for the past seven years, the former cancer surgeon has had plenty of opportunity to sharpen his business skills. Babineau, 59, is at the helm of Rhode Island’s largest private employer at a time when the national conversation about the health

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