Ballet career positioned McPherson well to pivot fundraising for NMH

REACHING OUT: Edward McPherson, director of marketing and fund development for Newport Mental Health, says he was drawn to fundraising because it pairs people who can change the world with those people who need it. / PBN PHOTO/TRACY JENKINS
REACHING OUT: Edward McPherson, director of marketing and fund development for Newport Mental Health, says he was drawn to fundraising because it pairs people who can change the world with those people who need it. / PBN PHOTO/TRACY JENKINS

PBN C-SUITE 2021 AWARDS Edward McPherson Newport Mental Health director of marketing and fund development As a former professional ballet dancer, Edward McPherson always knew where his feet should land on the job. But taking over as director of marketing and fund development for Newport Mental Health in February 2020, just one month before the

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