Boxing therapy an effective treatment for Parkinson’s patients

FIGHTING PARKINSON’S: Rich Gingras, center, a retired New England boxing champion, opened The Parkinson’s Place gym in Pawtucket to help Parkinson’s patients mitigate the effects of the disease through fitness. He works with Stuart Marshal, left, of Bristol, and Chuck Eckhardt of North Attleborough. / 
FIGHTING PARKINSON’S: Rich Gingras, center, a retired New England boxing champion, opened The Parkinson’s Place gym in Pawtucket to help Parkinson’s patients mitigate the effects of the disease through fitness. He works with Stuart Marshal, left, of Bristol, and Chuck Eckhardt of North Attleborough. / 

There’s no cure for the progressive, neurodegenerative Parkinson’s disease, but physical training is an effective treatment, as Rich Gingras, founder of The Parkinson’s Place in Pawtucket, discovered years ago. Parkinson’s disease causes neurons in the brain that produce the chemical messenger dopamine to gradually die, initially causing slight tremors in the limbs, and commonly causes

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