Brown engineering student creates LapSnap to assist wheelchair users with shopping

PERSONAL TOUCH: Diana Perkins created the LapSnap, a waterproof canvas bag, to allow wheelchair users to carry items when they go grocery shopping. She learned to sew so she could stitch 10 prototypes to send to test users. / COURTESY INCLUDESIGN LLC
PERSONAL TOUCH: Diana Perkins created the LapSnap, a waterproof canvas bag, to allow wheelchair users to carry items when they go grocery shopping. She learned to sew so she could stitch 10 prototypes to send to test users. / COURTESY INCLUDESIGN LLC

After Diana Perkins took an inspiring course on disability justice at Brown University, the engineering student found that many wheelchair users had a difficult time going grocery shopping on their own, unable to hold items on their lap. She created the LapSnap in February of last year, a multipurpose bag made of waterproof canvas for

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