Chamber door
Is your business a member of at least one local business association and/or chamber of commerce?
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
No, but we are considering joining: 0%
Tech trouble?
How often does your company experience technology-related issues?
Sometimes: 80%
Often: 20%
Never: 0%
Have you had technology problems impact an entire day’s work?
Yes: 60%
No: 40%
Who is your...
Break time
Do you often take breaks while at work?
No: 60%
Yes: 40%
How often do you work through a lunch break?
Always: 80%
Sometimes: 20%
Never: 0%
Do you and/or your...
Additional help?
Does your company employ independent contractors for certain tasks?
Yes: 67%
No: 33%
Do you find independent contractors require more, or less, effort to manage than existing...
A quick retreat?
Does your company hold work retreats for employees?
Yes: 67%
No: 33%
How do you build excitement for these retreats?
Incorporate leisure/fun activities: 67%
Our company does not hold...
College connection
Does your company partner with a local college/university as a pipeline to attract new employees?
No: 67%
Yes: 33%
No, but we’re discussing that initiative: 0%
Do you...
A healthy mind
Does your company have initiatives to address employee mental health as part of its wellness plan?
Yes: 33%
No: 33%
No, but we’re discussing including that initiative:...
A fun night out
Does your company hold fun outings and activities for employees?
Yes: 86%
No: 14%
What activities and outings does your company hold? (Select multiple)
Holiday parties: 71%
Company picnics/Barbecues:...
Put to the test
Does your company provide on-the-job training?
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
Is on-the-job training a requirement for employment for new hires?
Yes: 80%
No: 20%
Depends on the position: 0%
No, because...
Building better business
How much of a role do you play in your employees’ success?
A significant role: 50%
A partial role: 50%
No role: 0%
What do your employees do...