Hoop dreams
Do you or your employees follow the college basketball tournament while working?
Yes: 67%
No: 33%
Does the tournament negatively impact work productivity?
No: 100%
Yes: 0%
Unsure: 0%
Does your...
Bridge to nowhere?
Has your business been impacted by the partial closure of the Washington Bridge?
Yes: 75%
No: 25%
How has your business been impacted by the bridge situation?...
Fresh start
Does your company hire interns?
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
If so, are they paid or unpaid internships?
Paid: 43%
Unpaid: 43%
Depends on the position: 14%
Our company does not offer...
Daily routine
What time do you typically start your day?
5-6 a.m.: 56%
6-7 a.m.: 22%
7-8 a.m.: 22%
8-9 a.m.: 0%
Later than 9 a.m.: 0%
What is your morning routine...
Snack time!
Does your company offer refreshments at the office?
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
What kind of refreshments does your company offer? (Select multiple)
Coffee/tea: 100%
Water dispenser: 86%
Soda/drinks: 43%
Bagged snacks:...
Helping hand
Did you launch your company with the help of a business loan?
No: 75%
Yes: 25%
Where did your company obtain a business loan from?
Our company did...
A new direction?
Does your company expect to make changes to its leadership structure this year?
No: 100%
Yes: 0%
Unsure: 0%
Does your company expect some members of its leadership...
Looking ahead
Are you optimistic that 2024 will be a good year for your company?
Somewhat: 67%
Yes: 33%
No: 0%
Unsure: 0%
What growth is your company hoping for this...
Holiday celebrations
Does your company hold any office celebrations during the holidays?
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
What kind of holiday celebrations does your business hold? (Select multiple)
Company dinners: 86%
Shopping spree
Do you plan to shop on Black Friday or during Small Business Saturday?
No: 60%
Yes: 40%
How soon do you begin holiday shopping?
Early December: 60%
November: 40%