Saturday, December 7, 2024


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An avalanche starts with a snowball

Good news has been scarce, so the decision by Southborough, Mass.-based InQuest Technologies to move to Providence is particularly noteworthy. And while we are...

Brinksmanship not in state’s best interest

Crises bring out the best and worst in people. The General Assembly and Gov. Donald L. Carcieri were able to put aside their significant partisan...

Editorial Cartoon: Freedom of Choice

Former Senate President William V. Irons excercises his “freedom of choice”… Irons is depicted as a baseball player at bat kicking sand over home plate,...

A few of my favorite morals

When I started writing my column 15 years ago, I decided to follow Aesop’s lead and put a moral at the end of each...

Heading to the City by the Sea

How often do you go to Newport? &#8226 Once a month &ndash 45.0% &#8226 More than twice a month &ndash...

Full steam ahead for inventive boat project

Every once in a while, a project comes along that stops you up short with its ingenuity and its value. The Steamship Historical Society...

Building efficiency the path to future

There are few silver linings to be found in sky-high energy costs. But one good thing that has resulted is a growing emphasis on...

Education and giving

Do you contribute on a regular basis to the college or university from which you graduated? &#8226 Yes - 57.1% &#8226 No...

Tool up to build your business

There’s an old joke about a guy who goes into a hardware store to buy a saw to cut firewood. The clerk convinces him...

Editorial Cartoon: No Lifeguard

A tall wooden stool labeled “No lifeguard on duty” sits on the beach. The empty lifeguard chair overlooks the ocean, where a building labeled...
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