Champlin Foundation awards close to $8M in grants to 78 local nonprofits

CRANSTON – Seventy-eight local nonprofits across 26 communities received close to $8 million in grants from The Champlin Foundation to help make investments in building upgrades and expanded facilities, new security and technology systems, and new vehicles, the foundation announced Wednesday.

The foundation says the grants will support libraries, investments in arts and culture, conservation and parks, education, health care, historic preservation and heritage, social services, youth services and animal welfare. This spring cycle of grantmaking for the foundation brings the organization’s total distribution to date to $674 million.

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Of the 78 organizations that received funding, 24 of them received grants in excess of $100,000. Women & Infants Hospital, part of Care New England Health System, received $750,000 from the foundation to help finance a new labor and delivery center. The hospital also received a $5 million gift from Brown University for the new center, which hospital officials broke ground on back on May 10.

The Rhode Island College Foundation and the East Bay Community Action Program each received $400,000 for their respective projects. The RIC Foundation will use its funding to construct a biotechnology laboratory in the Fogarty Life Science Building on campus. EBCAP, the foundation says, will install a new sprinkler system in its health center in East Providence.

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The Pawtucket Public Library received $395,000 from the foundation to repoint the Sayles Building’s east and west wings. Oasis International Inc. in Providence was awarded $334,000 for its building expansion project at its main offices at 600 Broad St.

Nonprofits can apply for grants for the fall cycle starting Thursday through July 1. Additional information on the grants can be found on the foundation’s website.

James Bessette is the PBN special projects editor, and also covers the nonprofit and education sectors. You may reach him at You may also follow him on Twitter at @James_Bessette.