Citizens Bank, NBC 10 name House of Hope as 2021 Champion in Action

PROVIDENCE – House of Hope Community Development Corp. will receive a $35,000 unrestricted grant from Citizens Bank and WJAR-TV NBC 10 as part of the 2021 Champion in Action program, according to a news release.

The Warwick-based nonprofit, which offers housing and services to the homeless, will also receive promotional and volunteer support as a program awardee.

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House of Hope was recognized in the COVID-19 award category based upon its work helping offer housing for COVID-19-positive people while continuing to provide basic hygiene needs, food and case management services despite constraints posed by the pandemic.

The Champions in Action program, part of Citizens Bank’s Citizens Helping Citizens initiative to help local communities, has awarded more than $9.9 million to 352 nonprofits, including $1.5 million for 56 nonprofits in Rhode Island, the release stated.

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Nancy Lavin is a PBN staff writer. You may reach her at