Commerce at crossroads: How will the gubernatorial election change R.I.’s economic development plan?

Bags by Iris, owned by Iris Gesualdi, which Governor McKee recently visited on a campaign event highlighting small businesses, is located on Main St. in East Greenwich. At left is store manager, Gail James, who has been with the store for 26 years. PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Gov. Daniel J. McKee was in his element as he strolled along Main Street in East Greenwich one afternoon in July. It was another stop on his “RI Momentum Tour,” and with new R.I. Commerce Secretary Elizabeth M. Tanner in tow, McKee smiled and shook hands as he doled out certificates of special recognition to

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  1. Seriously?!?

    What Econ Dev Plan? The one where A) we blow millions of taxpayer dollars to bail out the out of state owners of the Superman building 10 years too late and B) we blow millions more of taxpayer dollars financing a out of state dubious developer of a soccer stadium on waterfront property in Pawtucket?
    That’s some Econ Dev Plan, Dan and Stefan, NOT!
    May neither of you ever be elected or appointed to office again.