Confusion reigns over status of student loans

THE PAYOFF: Jennifer Magaw can relate to the confusion many people with student loans are feeling about the on-again, off-again plans for loan forgiveness. For a long time, she felt anxiety about more than $100,000 in debt she had after finishing law school.  
THE PAYOFF: Jennifer Magaw can relate to the confusion many people with student loans are feeling about the on-again, off-again plans for loan forgiveness. For a long time, she felt anxiety about more than $100,000 in debt she had after finishing law school. 

Jennifer Magaw graduated from law school in 2012, but she continued comparing notes with her peers for several years afterward. Her notes weren’t about classes. They were about student loans. After earning a bachelor’s degree without debt from Rhode Island College, Magaw went on to get her law degree from Roger Williams University School of

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