Construction moratorium divides business, Newport leaders

STANDSTILL: John Hirschboeck, co-president of community nonprofit Alliance for a Livable Newport, argued for a six-month development moratorium in the city’s North End. He and other supporters say the city needs time to develop zoning requirements for the area, shown on the map he’s holding. / PBN PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN
STANDSTILL: John Hirschboeck, co-president of community nonprofit Alliance for a Livable Newport, argued for a six-month development moratorium in the city’s North End. He and other supporters say the city needs time to develop zoning requirements for the area, shown on the map he’s holding. / PBN PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN

Newport has enacted a six-month moratorium on development in its North End, including an innovation district intended to attract companies that might diversify its economy. It effectively puts a hold on some significant projects – including a $100 million redevelopment of the former Newport Grand Casino – so the city can get new zoning laws

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  1. Truth be told, the six month building moratorium was totally preventable. Sadly, since 2015, council members — including Ms Naplitano and Ms Ceglie chose an insider as city manager who never wanted to be city manager, allowed a zoning function to operate on autopilot, watched a city planning function go limp, and stood by silently as city staff wrecked a potentially valuable strategic private-public-partnership. Educated and outraged residents deserve this brief opportunity for Newport to implement long-overdue anti-sprawl zoning improvements that should boost your future net present value calculations.