Daniel Procaccini

2021 40 Under Forty Awards
Daniel Procaccini | 34 | Counsel, Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C.

How do you think COVID-19 will change your industry going forward? Remote depositions, conferences and mediations are here to stay. It is in many ways a boon for public access and efficiency. Nevertheless, I am hopeful that we’ll return to courtrooms sooner rather than later. There’s no substitute for looking jurors, or a judge, in the eye without being separated by cyberspace.

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What is the best advice you have ever received? “You should meet my friend, Lorraine.” We did meet later that day; we were married five years later.

What was your first job? I was a counselor at a local summer camp assisting in performing arts and journalism courses, while also trying to referee the daily dodgeball game.

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What moment changed your life more than any other? The birth of my daughter, Olivia.

What is your greatest attribute that you bring to your job? A diverse set of professional experiences. An attorney’s most important job isn’t to argue – it’s to advise. When counseling a client, I can draw upon my background to inform our strategy and recommend a resolution.

What was your last Netflix or Amazon Prime binge watch? “Call My Agent!”

Fox or MSNBC? NPR.

What is your favorite song? “So What” by Miles Davis.

THE PROP: Daniel Procaccini holds a gavel first owned by his great-grandfather. “He was a true renaissance man – business owner, veteran and boxing champion, among other things – who taught his family that education unlocked endless opportunities,” Procaccini says.