DRIPBaR serves up vitamins through IV therapy

TENDING THE DRIPBAR: Shannon Petteruti is the owner and CEO and Ben Crosbie is the chief development officer of THE DRIPBaR in Warwick, a medical spa that features IV therapy, in which vitamins are pumped into the bloodstream intravenously.  / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
TENDING THE DRIPBAR: Shannon Petteruti is the owner and CEO and Ben Crosbie is the chief development officer of THE DRIPBaR in Warwick, a medical spa that features IV therapy, in which vitamins are pumped into the bloodstream intravenously. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

IV drips are typically used to cure one’s hangover, rehydrating someone with vitamins after a night of one too many, and are popular in places such as Las Vegas. But since THE DRIPBaR opened in Warwick in 2016, owner Shannon Petteruti’s mission was to pivot the way people perceived intravenous therapy and cellular health into

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