Eased funeral restriction a little comfort

GOV. GINA M. RAIMONDO, shown at a recent news briefing. Many states have yet to spend the federal funding they got to help with soaring costs related to the coronavirus crisis, making it tougher for states and cities to argue that they need hundreds of billions more from U.S. taxpayers. “If I knew today that another billion dollars was coming to Rhode Island to help solve our budget deficit, I’d spend the $1.25 billion now,” Raimondo said about the state's portion of money. / COURTESY CAPITOL TV

After nearly two months of restrictions on the size of public gatherings, Gov. Gina M. Raimondo has relented somewhat for one type of gathering: funerals. With a slow reopening of businesses now underway, Raimondo on May 8 agreed to relax slightly the size restriction on funeral services – both in houses of worship and in

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