Enormous turnover among Providence leaders is unchartered territory

THE EXTERIOR of Providence City Hall won't change, but many of the people who make decisions inside the building will. Come January, newcomers will fill nearly half of the City Council seats and there will also be a new mayor. / PBN FILE PHOTO/CHRIS BERGENHEIM
THE EXTERIOR of Providence City Hall won't change, but many of the people who make decisions inside the building will. Come January, newcomers will fill nearly half of the City Council seats and there will also be a new mayor. / PBN FILE PHOTO/CHRIS BERGENHEIM

The Providence City Council is on the brink of a massive shift, with nearly half of its members leaving office at the end of the year. But ahead of the changeover, tensions are rising, with critics accusing those leaving office of ramming through controversial policies in their final weeks. It’s a unique situation for a

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