Even in good times, R.I. gallery owners are anxious. Would better marketing of a tax-free exemption help?

CHALLENGING WORK: Josef Blazar, co-owner and vice president of sales at YJ Contemporary Fine Art in East Greenwich, said the industry’s general dependence on a strong economy and creating customer awareness are the biggest challenges to increasing sales. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
CHALLENGING WORK: Josef Blazar, co-owner and vice president of sales at YJ Contemporary Fine Art in East Greenwich, said the industry’s general dependence on a strong economy and creating customer awareness are the biggest challenges to increasing sales. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

On a late December afternoon, the 30,000 square feet of wall space at YJ Contemporary Fine Art displayed a spectrum of works by local and regional artists. There were geographic nature scenes by Josef Kote, 1950s-era intimate portraits by Milton Greene and folk-art animal sculptures by Mark A. Perry at the East Greenwich gallery. The

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