EVICTION DILEMMA: Both tenants, small landlords vulnerable as crisis looms

TOUGH BALANCE: Elizabeth Bentley, a single mother who lives in a rented house in Jamestown with two of her children, says it’s been difficult balancing jobs as a server at two different restaurants and paying her rent on time. She normally has a third job in home health care but was told by her manager not to return due to a high risk of exposure to COVID-19 while working in restaurants. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM
TOUGH BALANCE: Elizabeth Bentley, a single mother who lives in a rented house in Jamestown with two of her children, says it’s been difficult balancing jobs as a server at two different restaurants and paying her rent on time. She normally has a third job in home health care but was told by her manager not to return due to a high risk of exposure to COVID-19 while working in restaurants. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM

Ilanna Ball isn’t exactly a real estate tycoon – she owns two triple-deckers, a few other multifamily houses and manages another 45 rental properties for other landlords, mostly in the Woonsocket area. She learned after the real estate collapse in the 2008 recession to be prepared for the worst, saving as much as she could

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