Farm Fresh R.I. growing food operation

PLANTING THE SEEDS: Sheri Griffin and Jesse Rye, co-executive directors of Farm Fresh RI, stand in front of the steel framework for the organization’s brand-new 60,000-square-foot Food Hub facility in the Woonasquatucket River Valley that will be completed in the fall of 2020. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SALERNO
PLANTING THE SEEDS: Sheri Griffin and Jesse Rye, co-executive directors of Farm Fresh RI, stand in front of the steel framework for the organization’s brand-new 60,000-square-foot Food Hub facility in the Woonasquatucket River Valley that will be completed in the fall of 2020. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SALERNO

Farm Fresh Rhode Island IS taking its operation to the next level by building a new facility and ascribing to the ambitious goal of having 50% of the food in the region supplied by regional farmers by 2060. Founded in 2004, the nonprofit provides resources for the local food system and has grown since inception

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