Thriving in a virtual mode

NEW MODEL: After working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Delin Designs CEO Eric Delin, left, and Digital Marketing Director Matt Smith decided not to return to in-office work and to perform all work remotely going forward. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
NEW MODEL: After working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Delin Designs CEO Eric Delin, left, and Digital Marketing Director Matt Smith decided not to return to in-office work and to perform all work remotely going forward. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Matthew Smith’s head is always in the world of the web. From website design, development, creative campaigns, landing pages and digital advertisements, Smith is constantly looking at how to take the savviness of a boutique studio at Delin Design Inc. in Providence and connect it with brands looking for a marketing overhaul. The seven-person team

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