For R.I. business community, in-person trade missions making a comeback

SUSAN MOCARSKI, owner and principal designer of Providence-based Cleverhood LLC, is eager to make trips overseas again so the company can better connect with distributors and large retailers in markets where Cleverhood's outerwear is already popular. / PBN FILE PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM
SUSAN MOCARSKI, owner and principal designer of Providence-based Cleverhood LLC, is eager to make trips overseas again so the company can better connect with distributors and large retailers in markets where Cleverhood's outerwear is already popular. / PBN FILE PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM

As more countries ease COVID-19 travel restrictions, in-person trade missions are making a return, and some in the Rhode Island business community already have plans to attend or host the international events. For businesses, trade missions have long provided an opportunity to increase exposure to a global market and forge stronger, more-personal connections with potential

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