Former RISD President Roger Mandle dies

ROGER MANDLE, who served as president of the Rhode Island School of Design for 15 years until 2008, died over the weekend. / COURTESY RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN
ROGER MANDLE, who served as president of the Rhode Island School of Design for 15 years, died over the weekend. / COURTESY RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN

PROVIDENCE – Roger Mandle, who served as president of the Rhode Island School of Design for 15 years through 2008, died this past weekend. His death was announced in a letter to the RISD community Monday by current president Rosanne Somerson.

He was 79.

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According to Somerson’s letter, Mandle came to RISD after serving five years as deputy director and chief curator of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

During his 15-year tenure as president, Mandle oversaw the completion of a $115 million capital campaign in 2007 that brought the arts school new technology, scholarships and other financial assets. The campaign also included funds for facility improvements at RISD, as well as funds to build the Chace Center, and a mixed-use museum and academic space. Additionally, the campaign facilitated the acquisition and renovation of 15 Westminster St., which provided RISD with a new home for its Fleet Library and residence center named after Mandle – the Roger Mandle Center for Living and Learning.

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Somerson said Mandle took immense pride in RISD and considered its community to be “part of his extended family,” even after his presidency ended.

“Roger treasured his involvement with RISD students, and continued that engagement teaching part-time in the Division of Liberal Arts,” Somerson said. “Roger always freely gave of his vast expertise in the arts and education, contributing his knowledge and view of the essential work of the arts to a huge network of non-profit organizations and individuals.”

Somerson also spoke personally of Mandle, saying he was “a mentor and a friend” who kept current about RISD’s activities and commitments, and kept communicating with Somerson about “his excitement in how RISD is advancing.”

Joe Gebbia, a RISD alumnus who is the co-founder and chief product officer of Airbnb, tweeted in tribute late Monday that RISD and the art world “lost a key member this past weekend and called Mandle, “an early supporter” of his entrepreneurial pursuits.

U.S. Rep. David N. Cicilline, D-R.I., said in a statement Tuesday that Mandle was an “extraordinary man and a great civic leader” in the city of Providence.

“He ensured that Rhode Island remained home to the top arts and design school in the world,” Cicilline said. “Equally important, he believed deeply and understood fully the important role of great universities and colleges in the success of cities. He will be deeply missed.”

James Bessette is the PBN special projects editor, and also covers the nonprofit and education sectors. You may reach him at You may also follow him on Twitter at @James_Bessette.

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