Getting the unemployed to take unfilled jobs isn’t so simple

MATTHEW WELDON, director of the R.I. Department of Labor and Training, says communication with the unemployed people who have lost their federal unemployment benefits is crucial to get them matched up with a job. / PBN FILE PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM
MATTHEW WELDON, director of the R.I. Department of Labor and Training, says communication with the unemployed people who have lost their federal unemployment benefits is crucial to get them matched up with a job. / PBN FILE PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM

About 45,000 Rhode Islanders have lost their federal unemployment benefits, but prodding them back into the workforce to ease a labor shortage in some sectors could prove more difficult than just cutting off their weekly payments. From the state’s perspective, the top priority is communication, according to Matthew Weldon, director for the R.I. Department of

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    • EXACTLY RAY! Bring back “PRIDE” in your job and paying your bills! Pride and asperation of living a better life for you and your offspring! What happened to that AMERICAN DREAM!