When Gov. Gina M. Raimondo first ran for governor, the state’s economy was beginning to emerge from the impact of the Great Recession, still experiencing sluggish job creation and high unemployment. Since she took office in 2015, numerous bellwethers have improved – most markedly the percentage of Rhode Islanders who are working again. In her

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  1. In my opinion the economy is good because of a Trump presidency- not because of raimondo or anything she did (massive screw-ups and spending on her part) Nationally the Republicans have certainly produced. Taxes are lower and the deficit shrinking. Jobs are up. Unemployment for virtually every group has dropped to the lowest levels on record. The stock market is flying high, Economic growth is at 4.1 percent. Trade imbalances are shrinking and Trump is making deals worldwide. Bodies from the Korean war are coming home. War seems far less likely now than a year ago. She can’t take credit for what she didn’t do but she will lie and said she did!