Grants promote cultural inclusion

CONNECTED CLASSROOMS: Sandra Robinson, right, is the family preservation supervisor for Children’s Friend in Providence. The organization received a six-month grant through the R.I. Department of Health and the R.I. Department of Human Services, which it will use to expand parent and child access to culturally and linguistically responsive classrooms.
CONNECTED CLASSROOMS: Sandra Robinson, right, is the family preservation supervisor for Children’s Friend in Providence. The organization received a six-month grant through the R.I. Department of Health and the R.I. Department of Human Services, which it will use to expand parent and child access to culturally and linguistically responsive classrooms.

Culturally and linguistically responsive teaching is coming to more early-childhood education classrooms in Rhode Island. As part of a grant program through the R.I. Department of Health and the R.I. Department of Human Services, a well-known provider of Head Start services in Central Falls and Pawtucket will be able to expand 2-year-old programs that utilize

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