Innovative R.I. court program to protect pandemic-crippled businesses goes untapped

BITTER SITUATION: Providence Brewing Co. owner Efren Hidalgo has received an eviction notice from his landlord for his North Providence brewery. Without enough money to move his equipment to a new location, Hidalgo is worried that if he is forced from his North Providence location immediately, he will default on his sales contracts. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
BITTER SITUATION: Providence Brewing Co. owner Efren Hidalgo has received an eviction notice from his landlord for his North Providence brewery. Without enough money to move his equipment to a new location, Hidalgo is worried that if he is forced from his North Providence location immediately, he will default on his sales contracts. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Government lifelines are disappearing for businesses gutted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Struggling small-business owners who received an infusion of cash from the Paycheck Protection Program in the spring are exhausting that money. Many businesses haven’t seen sales bounce back yet, as some customers have stayed away for fear of infection or anxiety over financial well-being.

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