Lawsuit filed against HealthSource RI over abortion coverage

PROVIDENCE – An HIV-positive man has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Rhode Island because he said HealthSource RI forces him to pay for women’s abortions as a condition to obtain health insurance through the state exchange.
The lawsuit, Doe v. Burwell, was filed in federal court this week, according to a press release issued by Rhode Island Right to Life on Thursday.
The release said that every health insurance exchange plan in Rhode Island requires individuals to directly pay a surcharge to cover elective abortions for those in the exchange.
“Paying for elective abortions should never be a prerequisite for access to health care,” Alliance Defending Freedom lawyer Casey Mattox said in a statement. “We are asking the court to stop Obamacare officials from running roughshod over this individual’s rights.”
The plaintiff, who is described as a Christian pro-life advocate, is remaining anonymous because he is HIV-positive, the release stated.
“The government cannot strong-arm Americans from choosing between their health and their values,” Alliance Defending Freedom lawyer Steven H. Aden said. “Pro-life individuals should be free to obtain the health care they need without having to violate their deepest convictions, and the administration should honor its vow to be the most transparent in history by ending its efforts to keep Americans in the dark about what they are paying for.”
Rhode Island Right to Life Executive Director Barth E. Bracy said HealthSource RI has “thwarted our repeated attempts to provide an opt-out for Rhode Islanders who need health insurance” but who do not want to pay for abortions.
HealthSource RI spokeswoman Maria Tocco said that Gov. Gina M. Raimondo and HealthSource RI Director Anya Rader Wallack “understand that this is a sensitive issue for many Rhode Islanders. HealthSource RI is working on addressing coverage options.”

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  1. So, when will be okay for the rest of us to descriminate against these phoney god people because I find their lifestyle and belief system to be offensive and against my belief system? I mean, this must work both ways. I think we need to start filing lawsuits against these folks because I should be able to provide the health insurance I want to individulas in my shared community, including abortions, because I hold this faith deeply in my heart as well. BRING IT ON PHONEY CHRISTIANS!!!