Looking for leadership? Don’t expect to find it in R.I.

The simple – but not entirely inaccurate – thing would be to lay the Pawtucket Red Sox leaving Rhode Island on the doorstep of House Speaker Nicholas A. Mattiello. As a timeline of events reveals, the deal negotiated between the team, Pawtucket Mayor Donald R. Grebien and members of Gov. Gina M. Raimondo’s economic team

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  1. Two themes to my comments:
    1) No doubt there the House demonstrated dysfunction, but the answer as to “why they left” is in the numbers. RI just couldn’t afford to compete:

    The Worcester Deal: City borrows $100M to build stadium.
    Team pays: $30.2M over 30 years (only $6M in upfront equity)
    City pays: $70.1 though Tax Increment Financing plan.
    Massachusetts: Chips in $35M in infrastructure

    2) The anti-Raimondo sentiment that flows through your coverage is far from subtle, is compounded by your repeated use of the most unflattering photos of the Governor. You can, and should do better.