MALL MANEUVERS: Developers attempt different strategies to rekindle or recycle retail centers

ENTERTAINMENT HUB: Santa Claus waits for children at the Warwick Mall, which boasts a 95% occupancy rate and is striving to integrate more entertainment-focused tenants, according to Domenic Schiavone, mall general ­manager.  
ENTERTAINMENT HUB: Santa Claus waits for children at the Warwick Mall, which boasts a 95% occupancy rate and is striving to integrate more entertainment-focused tenants, according to Domenic Schiavone, mall general ­manager. 

No matter what anyone says, Matthew DuPlessie sees a future in indoor shopping malls. At least for his company. To DuPlessie, malls offer large, open spaces that have been abandoned by many traditional department store anchors, plenty of parking and, in many cases, foot traffic that remains fairly strong. A perfect place for DuPlessie’s Level99,

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