Many millennials taking steps to have fat nest egg in retirement

STARTING EARLY: Nick Loring, left, principal of Loring Advisory Group in Smithfield, speaks with client service associate Mike Primiani. Loring says the amount of financial advice available online allows millennials to take retirement seriously even though it’s more than three decades away. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI
STARTING EARLY: Nick Loring, left, principal of Loring Advisory Group in Smithfield, speaks with client service associate Mike Primiani. Loring says the amount of financial advice available online allows millennials to take retirement seriously even though it’s more than three decades away. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI

How do millennials stack up when it comes to retirement savings as opposed to members of Generation X? According to a recent national survey, millennials are socking away money in 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts at nearly the same rate as Gen Xers, even though millennials are further away from retirement. Morning Consult and Business

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