Matt Brown wants R.I.’s governor to focus less on business interests and more on struggling Rhode Islanders. Does the Democratic candidate have a plan to do it?

By Mary MacDonald

INVESTING IN R.I.: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Brown says Rhode Island should follow North Dakota in setting up a revenue-generating bank for the state. He says the lending bank would partner with local community groups and credit unions, with profits reinvested in the state. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

INVESTING IN R.I.: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Brown says Rhode Island should follow North Dakota in setting up a revenue-generating bank for the state. He says the lending bank would partner with local community groups and credit unions, with profits reinvested in the state. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Matt Brown, a longtime activist for social, educational and environmental causes, wants to bring that mission to the top level of state government next year. The former secretary of state says he’s mounting a primary challenge against Gov. Gina M. Raimondo because of what he thinks she represents – a corporate-backed government that benefits business

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