McKee, Tanner must set clear agenda for Commerce

Gov. Daniel J. McKee’s decisive election victory over Republican Ashley Kalus positions him to play a lead role in state economic development for the next four years. With the potential for an inflation-fueled, nationwide recession still looming, he and R.I. Commerce Secretary Elizabeth M. Tanner don’t have any time to waste in setting a clear

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  1. RICC hasn’t accomplished anything in the last 8 years. Why should the next 8 years be any different?
    With the very notable exceptions of Bruce Sundlun and Brian Moynihan, lawyers don’t tend to be very creative business people (as evidenced by Stefan Pryor), especially one coming out of the DBR.
    Anyone who thinks that a soccer stadium in Pawtucket has any significant economic potential clearly has been frequenting the cannabis stores even before they were legal.