Movement to help elders ‘age in place’ expanding in R.I.

CARETAKER: Jo Ellen Mistarz is the executive director of The Village Common of Rhode Island, which has its office at Hamilton House in Providence and connects seniors with volunteer services. Despite the thousands of elderly people in Rhode Island, Mistarz says only about 200 are members of organizations such as the Providence Village, which is part of the Village Common. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
CARETAKER: Jo Ellen Mistarz is the executive director of The Village Common of Rhode Island, which has its office at Hamilton House in Providence and connects seniors with volunteer services. Despite the thousands of elderly people in Rhode Island, Mistarz says only about 200 are members of organizations such as the Providence Village, which is part of the Village Common. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

For Anne Connor, a volunteer with the nonprofit Providence Village of Rhode Island since its inception in 2015, giving rides to elderly members isn’t her most important task. Connecting with them on a human level is much more crucial. “This is about socialization, not just going from one point to another,” said the soft-spoken Connor,

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