New boutique brings spiritual practices, items to Barrington

WITCHY WOMAN: Katherine Preite realized her dream of owning an occult/metaphysical-themed shop when she opened La Strega Luna Boutique in Barrington in June. She is pictured with her son Domenic. 

WITCHY WOMAN: Katherine Preite realized her dream of owning an occult/metaphysical-themed shop when she opened La Strega Luna Boutique in Barrington in June. She is pictured with her son Domenic. 

The metaphysical has long had a presence in Katherine Preite’s life. Growing up, she remembers that her grandmother “did a little folk magic here and there,” and Preite would frequent an occult store in the Riverside neighborhood of East Providence. “It used to just amaze me, all the incense, crystals and witchy stuff,” Preite recalled,

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